

The project works focused on the following issues:

1) Ensuring on-line accessibility to the journal Poradnik Językowy (The Linguistic Guide) published in the years 1901-2003. By means of the equipment purchased thanks to the funds of the grant, all annals of the journal from the years 1901-2003 in the collections of the Jan Baudouin de Courtenay Library (a few issues were obtained from the Warsaw University Library) were scanned, a correction of OCR errors in the scanned texts was carried out. Until the materials’ status as orphan works* is established, the access to their electronic version will be limited*.

2) Turning the bibliography of Poradnik Językowy for the years 1901-2014 into a browser, with an option to search information by years, authors, section of Poradnik Językowy, fields of grammar and grammatical category, keywords, affixes, words discussed in the journal in terms of their proper use. The first step on the way to create the bibliography browser was to prepare (in an IT environment arranged specifically for that purpose) tables of contents of the issues released until 2014. The next step was to enter keywords, words, expressions and phrases discussed in terms of proper use and affixes in the fields generated for each text. The keywords are indicated for theoretical and general texts, as well as for texts which are advisory in nature, if the questions raised therein were of broader significance. Due to the possibility to browse through the issues both by section, as well as by words in titles, it was decided not to provide keywords for texts in informative and reporting sections (such as “Reviews” (“Recenzje”), “New books” (“Nowe książki”), “Reports” (“Sprawozdania”) or “Chronicle” (“Kronika”)).

3) Preparing a full description of the journal: its history and editors-in-chief (Roman Zawiliński, Kazimierz Król, Witold Doroszewski, Mieczysław Szymczak, Danuta Buttler, Halina Satkiewicz and Stanisław Dubisz) as well as the role it played in the shaping of the standards and the knowledge of the Polish language.