Jan Kazimierz Król was born on 13 December 1853 in Częstochowa to Franciszek and Władysława (née Biegańska). He attended a philological gymnasium first in his hometown (the later H. Sienkiewicz Gymnasium), and then in Piotrków. In 1872, Król began his studies at the Faculty of History and Philosophy, the University of Warsaw (the historicalsection). He wrote his Master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Adolf Pawiński, who was also the greatest influence on Król. Having graduated in 1876, Król worked as a teacher – initially in Polish private secondary schools, and from 1880 to 1886 – in the state Realschule in Warsaw, supervised by A. Apuchtin, the chief education officer. In the period 1885–1892, he worked as a lecturer in the Seminary. Arrested for his activity in “Liga” and “Zet” in April 1891, he was released due to lack of evidence of his guilt. Presumably, this incident was the reason why he was deprived of the right to teach in public schools in 1893. He would then run private classes, deliver lectures in Sunday schools and translate works written in foreign languages. He was also involved in the work of the Cataloguing Committee of the Reading Rooms Department of the Warsaw Charitable Society (Warszawskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności). Having regained the right to teach in 1905, he taught in secondary schools, primarily in the private Gen. Paweł Chrzanowski Gymnasium. Król had a beautiful voice, which enchanted his students as they were listening to him reading out loud his favourite literary works.
Those who could hear him reading developed a lifelong conviction about the great importance of the spoken word as a means of interpretation.
In the period 1915–1916, Król was a junior clerk in the elementary education section of the education department and the chief education officer of the 1st Female Gymnasium. After Poland regained independence, he became the head officer of a division in the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Military Affairs (Ministerstwo Spraw Wojskowych) (1919–1921). In 1913, 1920–1921, 1924–1925 and 1927–1928, he was deputy president of the Warsaw Precautionary and Assistance Fund for Writers and Journalists (Warszawska Kasa Przezorności i Pomocy dla Literatów i Dziennikarzy), deputy chair of the Society for Proper Use of the Polish Language (Towarzystwo Poprawności Języka Polskiego)*, and an honorary member of the Society of Secondary and Higher School Teachers (Towarzystwo Nauczycieli Szkół Średnich i Wyższych). In 1924, he was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta*. His papers and reviews were published i.a. in Ateneum (Atheneum), Kurier Codzienny (The Daily Courier), Przyjaciel Dzieci (The Children’s Friend), Kurier Warszawski (The Warsaw Courier) and Tygodnik Ilustrowany (The Illustrated Weekly). His memoirs written at the time of the occupation burnt during the Warsaw Uprising.
On 17 (29) April 1877, Kazimierz Król got married to Idalia Zofia Mrozowska (1859–1920) in the St. Alexander’s church in Warsaw. They had three children: two sons – Tadeusz (1878–1882) and Władysław (1883–1907), and a daughter – Helena (1890–1962). The daughter got married to Bolesław Oczechowski. The written and oral record provided by their daughter, Irena (1920–1994), was invoked by the authors of K. Król’s biogram in Polski słownik biograficzny (Polish biographical dictionary). K. Król died in Warsaw at the age of 90, on 25 January 1944. He was buried in the Old Powązki cemetery (burial plot no. 240, I/25).
The main area of Król’s activity was teaching. It entailed all other activities: from the editorial and publishing work to social work.
The first published book intended for schools was Słownik naukowy rosyjsko-polski dla uczniów i uczennic (Scientific Russian-Polish dictionary for pupils), released with the support of the Mianowski Fund (Kasa im. Mianowskiego) in 1884. At the end, it contained “Spis niektórych imion osób, tudzież nazw geograficznych i historycznych” (“List of certain names of people and certain geographical and historical names”)*. By exemplifying usages of certain words, the author sought to sensitise students to e.g. differences as regards verb government or different semantic functions of prepositions in Russian and Polish, and thus to prevent them from using Russicisms. He also used socio-environmental and stylistic qualifiers. In collaboration with Jan Nitowski, Kazimierz Król published Podręcznik do nauki historii literatury polskiej (Textbook on the history of Polish literature) in 1898 (its extended version was released in 1900, 2nd and 3rd editions were published under a modified title: Historia literatury polskiej (The history of Polish literature)). In Wacław Borowy’s opinion, the book was “the main, if not the only, guide” to Polish literature in the territory of the Russian partition in 1898–1907*. It was used also in Galicia. Król studied the “Jesuits’ period” (the 2nd half of the 17th c. and the period when Poland was ruled by Saxon kings), the time when Poland was ruled by Stanisław August Poniatowski, and the prose of the 19th century, “he analysed literary phenomena against a broad historical and cultural background, provided clear characteristics of individual historical periods and enumerated a great number of writers. This book was the longest-lasting achievement in Król’s pedagogical work”*. The textbook was supplemented with works by Ignacy Krasicki (Mikołaja Doświadczyńskiego przypadki, Myszeis, Pan Podstoli) and Mohort by Wincenty Pol, published by Gebethner within a series entitled Wybór Pisarzów Polskich dla Domu i Szkoły (Selection of Works by Polish Writers to be Read at Home and School), and altered world’s literary works (Le Cid, Aeneid, and Frithiofs Saga. A legend of Norway) published within the Książki dla Wszystkich (Books for Everyone) series.
Together with Antoni Krasnowolski, Król wrote a textbook of Polish for Germans (Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt series), which enjoyed high popularity, as evidenced by its 11 editions.
Beginning from 1895, Król took active part in the work performed by the Educational Circle (Koło Oświatowe) founded by Mieczysław Brzeziński, a folk writer and populariser of natural sciences, and by his Księgarnia Polska publishing house. Wydawnictwo im. M. Brzezińskiego publishing house released several popular short books by Król: Krzyżacy w Polsce (Teutonic Knights in Poland), Jan Paweł Woronicz, Tatarzy a Polska (The Tatars and Poland), Gruzja (Georgia). From 1915 to 1931, Król edited publications released by Księgarnia Polska (in 1920, the publishing house was transferred to the Polish Educational Society (Polska Macierz Szkolna). In 1919–1924, Król compiled and published Katalog z objaśnieniami wydawnictw Księgarni Polskiej w Warszawie (Catalogue with explanations to publications of the Księgarnia Polska publishing house in Warsaw) (Issues 1, 2 and 3), which was a kind of a guide for those interested in popular writing. The catalogue covered over 340 books*, provided information about the contents, volume and accessibility. In the period 1910–1915, Król succeeded Brzeziński as the publisher of the Zorza (The Daybreak) weekly (Król was its editor-in-chief until 1913).
The first works translated by Król were dedicated to travelling and history, and were addressed to children and adolescents*. Those translated by him later were dedicated to teachers who – by reading them – could learn about Western European pedagogical and psychological concepts. Logika dziecka i jej kształcenie (translated with Iza Moszczeńska), originally written by Frederic Queyrat, was published in 1902, one year later – Znaczenie studiów nad dziećmi by Granville Stanley Hall and Wiek dziecięcy by Frederic Tracy, in 1904 –Wiek młodzieńczy by Ellsworth G. Lancaster (translated with Anna Grudzińska) and Życie dzieci by Paulina Lombroso. These were translations from English, French, German and Italian. These works were published as special supplements to Przegląd Pedagogiczny (The Pedagogical Overview), with financial support of the Mianowski Fund. Król’s pedagogical experience was highly appreciated: in 1900–1910, he was a member of the Editorial Committee of Encyklopedia Wychowawcza (Educational Encyclopaedia), in 1906 and 1908–1910 – that of Szkoła Polska (The Polish School) and Wychowanie w Domu i Szkole (Education at Home and School) (as a representative of the Polish Teachers’ Association (Stowarzyszenie Nauczycielstwa Polskiego)), and from 1900 to 1905, he was the editor-in-chief of Przegląd Pedagogiczny.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of a Catholic boarding school for girls by Jadwiga Sikorska, Król edited, in collaboration with I. Moszczeńska (a graduate of the school), a book dedicated to the school and its principal. Król wrote a biography of the Jubilarian and described the history of the school in the context of the development of the private school system in the territory of the Russian partition. The history of school education was also the subject of another, more comprehensive outline: “Z dziejów ofiarności na cele naukowe na obszarze Królestwa Kongresowego od r. 1800 do dni naszych” (“On the history of charity for scientific purposes in the territory of Congress Poland since 1800”), published in Nauka Polska (The Polish Science) (Vol. VI, 1927).
The abovementioned bilingual dictionary, which was inspired by teaching needs, was the first lexicographical work written by Król. From 1908, Król was involved in the work on Słownik Warszawski (Warsaw dictionary). Earlier, upon the publication of the first half of this work, Król’s review of the dictionary was published in the August issue of the Książka (The Book) monthly of 1907. Król wrote there about the scientific value of the work (invoking opinions of eminent linguists), the dictionary’s authors and the necessary financial support for this undertaking*.
His name appeared on title pages of the following volumes: V (1912) and VI (1915): “Słownik języka polskiego Jana Karłowicza, Adama Kryńskiego i Władysława Niedźwiedzkiego ułożony przez Władysława Niedźwiedzkiego z udziałem Kazimierza Króla” (“Dictionary of the Polish language by Jan Karłowicz, Adam Kryński and Władysław Niedźwiedzki, edited by Władysław Niedźwiedzki in collaboration with Kazimierz Król”)*. Kryński appreciated Król’s professionalism and skills. In his letters to Samuel Dickstein (a mathematician and specialist in the area of mathematical vocabulary), he wrote:
I do not have anything against Mr Król as the third co-editor: his comments made in the texts edited by him have been almost always right and served well the Dictionary. We have, however, a problem with Dr. Peszke... What should we do with him then? Perhaps he could be the third editor, while Mr Król (about whose work as a collaborator I cannot, as I have said before, complain at all) would remain who he has been so far (a letter of 19 May 1908). Dr. Peszke and Król would edit the Dictionary in a more organised way, without this shoddy workmanship to which Niedźwiecki is inclined due to his academic background being unable to sort this mess out without help from a more capable person (a letter of 10 June 1908).
“It is difficult to determine how long Józef Peszke fulfilled the function of the editor of Słownik warszawski (He died in 1916, when Volume VI was being compiled). Probably as a result of – or perhaps in spite of – the mediation by individuals from the Mianowski Fund, the function of the editor was held, again, by Niedźwiedzki, who managed to complete the work with “on and off” assistance of Kazimierz Król”*.
Król dealt with manuscripts and studied excerpts from works of specific authors, and – as can be inferred from his letter to Dickstein of 1910 – delegated tasks*.
In Poradnik (The Guide), Król made his debut by commenting on the linguistic explanations to the 7th Volume of the jubilee edition of Słowacki’s works*. Several years later, concerned about the language of the daily press, he wrote “List otwarty do redaktora” (“Open letter to the editor”). He wrote that, on the one hand, the press in general presented a kind attitude to Poradnik and manifested interest in linguistic issues, but on the other, they failed to follow instructions as regards proper language use. The discrepancy between recommendations and the journalists’ practice showed that the efforts made by Poradnik’s editor were futile. The author of the letter advised him provocatively to discontinue the publication of the journal. Dailies, coming out in hundreds of thousands of copies, were “the only food for thought” for hundreds of thousands of people. The most popular sections of the current chronicle and political telegrams, written in bad Polish, became “the seeds of contamination”, opened “gates leading to the disappearance of the Polish language and the beginning of »an international language«.” The language of dailies was even more powerful than the teacher. Król believed that this situation was caused by negligence combined with ignorance, entrusting edition and translation – for economic reasons – to young people with no experience in editing. In his opinion, Poland should follow the approach to safeguarding the mother tongue adopted by France*. Single texts written by Król were presented by Poradnik in 1927 and 1929. In the period 1930–1932, a total of 26 Król’s texts were published. These were dedicated primarily to linguistic and stylistic failures found in books published at that time, particularly the translated ones. Besides the language of the press and fiction, Król was interested in the official language. He compiled the linguistic errors detected in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Official Journal of the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment (Ministerstwo Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego) in a brochure entitled Wskazówki językowe do tekstu wydawnictw urzędowych (Linguistic guidance on texts included in official publications) (1928). The errors were, as specified in a review published in Poradnik, “legitimate and duly explained; or already commonly made”*. In the list of publications dedicated to proper language use included in that brochure, "Poradnik" was mentioned in the first place:
Until last year, for 27 years (with a 4-year break), Prof. Roman Zawiliński had been releasing – with admirable perseverance and devotion– a special Poradnik Językowy (10 issues per year) in Cracow. Apart from theoretical papers, Poradnik published, primarily, practical guidance as regards language purity and proper use, comments and divagations, which were often based on exchange of opinions and academic skirmish.
In his papers on specific issues, Król wrote about e.g. improper forms of verbs in the present tense: poszukać (poszukiwują instead of poszukują) (to search), rozpatrzyć (rozpatrywuje instead of rozpatruje) (to consider) or ostrzelać (ostrzeliwują instead of ostrzeliwają) (to shoot)*, about abused (trendy) words (czołowy (leading), lub (or), poprzez (through))*, about correctness of collocations troje dziewcząt compared to trzy dziewczęta (three girls)*. His judgements were not always consistent with the impressions of Poradnik’s readers: “On p. 42 in the annual bound volume of Poradnik*, Mr. K. Król condemns the phrase »gdyby panu coś się stało« (»if something happened to you«). Where is the error?”*
Król was the first – after the publication of the journal was moved from Cracow to Warsaw – editor-in-chief of Poradnik Językowy. Did the long-lasting friendship with Zawiliński* contribute to this appointment in any way? We will never know. Król’s involvement in the efforts made to save the periodical can be evidenced by his presence at a meeting held on 27 October 1929 at Prof. A.A. Kryński’s for the purpose of establishing a Club or Society of Friends of Poradnik Językowy (which was finally registered as the Society for Proper Use of the Polish Language)*.
The policy statement presented in the first issue of 1932, which launched the “Warsaw” period in the history of Poradnik Językowy, emphasised that – like in the previous years – safeguarding proper language use would remain the main objective of the journal:
Poradnik will continue to safeguard language purity and proper use. We will seek to fight obvious errors and negligence, which lead to contamination of the language and its pauperisation, – we will impartially evaluate linguistic phenomena, with the well-being of the language we share in mind as both a stimulus and a steering curb for the culture of individuals and communities, – we will combat intrusive barbarisms, stigma of spiritual slavery, while keeping our eyes open to lively and creative elements of language development.
Król performed his function for a short time, from January to October 1932. Issue 8 was the last one edited by him. The reasons for his resignation were published in the first issue of Poradnik of 1933:
The former Editor-in-Chief of Poradnik Językowy, Prof. Kazimierz Król, engrossed in gathering and editing material for a complementary volume to Słownik Warszawski, has been forced to resign from active editorial work. The Editorial Board of Poradnik Językowy deeply regrets that the former Editor-in-Chief has resigned from this function and wishes to express its heartfelt gratitude for his insightful and professional work, hoping that Poradnik will continue to benefit from this work, although in a different form and to a different extent.
Król’s work as the editor-in-chief of Poradnik Językowy was distinguished with the Silver Laurel of the Polish Academy of Literature (Polska Akademia Literatury).
The fact that, having resigned from the function of the editor-in-chief, Król did not publish any text in Poradnik is meaningful. From the historical perspective, his resignation had a symbolic dimension: it marked the end of the period in which the journal was created by great language enthusiasts and admirers in collaboration with readers and linguists. In the following period, the profile of the journal was determined by linguists: owing to the efforts made by Proessor Witold Doroszewski, its new editor-in-chief, and the new editorial board, Poradnik turned from a popular academic journal into a strictly scientific one.
Josef Ohrwalder, Przygody i opowiadania misjonarza w Sudanie egipskim*, acc. to…, Gebethner i Wolff, Warszawa 1896.
Author: Wanda Decyk-Zięba
Translation: Monika Czarnecka