Mieczysław Szymczak (1927–1985)

Mieczysław Szymczak (1927–1985)

Mieczysław Szymczak was born on 5 October 1927 in the village of Domaniewek (Łęczyca Powiat, Łódzkie Voivodship) into a peasant family. His parents, Wojciech and Jadwiga (née Kowalczyk), were farmers. By the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, Mieczysław Szymczak had completed five years at the primary school in Domaniewek. At the time of the German occupation, he participated in clandestine classes, and after the war he continued his education at the gymnasium in Łęczyca, from 1945 to 1948, when he took his matura examination.

In 1948, Mieczysław Szymczak became a student of Polish studies at the Faculty of Humanities, the University of Łódź. He earned his Master’s degree in 1952, having defended his thesis entitled: Fonetyka gwary Domaniewka (The phonetics of the Domaniewek dialect), written under the supervision of Prof. Zdzisław Stieber. This was also the year when he started his doctoral studies at the Department of Polish Studies at the Faculty of Philology, the University of Warsaw.

In 1956, he was employed at the University of Warsaw as Assistant Professor, and earned his Doctor’s degree on 27 October 1958, having defended his dissertation entitled: Gwara Domaniewka i wsi okolicznych w powiecie łęczyckim (The dialect of Domaniewek and the neighbouring villages in Łęczyca Powiat), written under the supervision of Prof. Witold Doroszewski. In 1966, Szymczak became Habilitated Doctor based on a dissertation entitled: Nazwy stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego w historii i dialektach języka polskiego (Names of degrees of consanguinity and family affinity in the history and dialects of the Polish language), and thus became Senior Lecturer. In 1968–1970, he lectured as Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, where he organised the Department of the Polish Language.

In 1974, Mieczysław Szymczak became Associate Professor of Humanities, which was determined, among others, by the completion of his 8-volume Słownik gwary Domaniewka w powiecie łęczyckim (Dictionary of the dialect of Domaniewek in Łęczyca Powiat) in 1973, and in 1978 he became Full Professor of Humanities. By then, he could already boast about numerous achievements, e.g. he was a co-author and editor of Słownik ortograficzny języka polskiego wraz z zasadami pisowni i interpunkcji (Dictionary of Polish orthography, including spelling and punctuation principles) (1975) and held various important academic, social and administrative functions.

Prof. M. Szymczak devoted the last years of his life to the works on Słownik języka polskiego (Dictionary of the Polish language) (1978, 1979, 1981), original academic publications and editing tasks, as well as to the numerous functions he fulfilled. He died prematurely and suddenly on 30 September 1985 in Sofia, where he was participating in a conference of the UNESCO’s International Association for the Study and Dissemination of Slav Culture as deputy chair. He was buried in the Municipal Cemetery (former Military Cemetery) in Warsaw, in the professors’ burial plot. Szymczak was awarded i.a. with the Golden Cross of Merit (1973), the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1974), and the Medal of the Commission of National Education (Komisja Edukacji Narodowej) (1974).

In 1952, Mieczysław Szymczak got married to Jadwiga (née Kozak, born on 13 May 1929 in Łódź, died on 22 July 2010 in Warsaw), a trained economist; from 1978 – Professor of the Main School of Planning and Statistics (since 1990 – the Warsaw School of Economics), from 1990 – the University of Łódź, and from 1997 – the Academy of Economics (since 2008 – the University of Economics). Mieczysław Szymczak had one son – Karol (born on 13 September 1955 in Łódź), an archaeologist; since 1995 – Professor of the University of Warsaw and a lecturer i.a. at Università Ca’ Foscari in Venice.

I. Academic and editorial achievements

Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak’s works include more than 270 bibliographic items dedicated to a number of linguistic disciplines. These comprise: dialectology and linguistic geography; history of language, lexicology and word formation; lexicography, prescriptive linguistics and language culture; language contacts and glottodidactics. Although he was primarily a linguist specialising in Polish studies, a number of his publications dealt with comparative linguistics and Slavic studies.

His first scientific texts were published when Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak was still doing his Master’s degree: “Z dziejów wyrazu chrobry” (“On the history of the word ‘valiant’”) (1951); “Tekst gwarowy ze wsi Domaniewek” (“Text written in the dialect of the village of Domaniewek”) (1952), and indicated the main research areas he handled in the initial period of his academic career, namely dialectology and history of language.

As already mentioned, Mieczysław Szymczak’s Master’s thesis – Fonetyka gwary Domaniewka (The phonetics of the Domaniewek dialect) (1952) dealt with dialectology, and as a doctoral candidate he continued to explore dialectological issues in the dialects of the Ostróda, Warmia and Masuria regions, carried out by the Team for Dialect Studies at the Department of Polish Studies, the University of Warsaw, led by Prof. Witold Doroszewski and Prof. Halina Koneczna from 1953. Szymczak used the results of this research in a monograph entitled: Słownictwo Warmii i Mazur. Stopnie pokrewieństwa. Życie społeczne i zawody (Vocabulary of the Warmia and Masuria regions. Names of degrees. Social life and professions), compiled with Eugeniusz Jurkowski and Ireneusz Łapiński, published as the fifth volume of the Studia Warmińsko-Mazurskie (Warmia and Masuria Studies) series (Wrocław 1959).

Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak’s doctoral dissertation entitled Gwara Domaniewka i wsi okolicznych w powiecie łęczyckim (The dialect of Domaniewek and the neighbouring villages in Łęczyca Powiat) (Łódź 1961), which was the culmination of the research on the dialect of his home village, belongs to the classics of Polish literature on dialectology. The dissertation contained a description of the dialectal system (phonetics, word formation, inflection, syntax), a selection of texts transcribed phonetically, and a collection of x-ray images of the speech apparatus. As dialect was considered a dynamic and evolving phenomenon, his publication became an exemplary emanation of the so-called Warsaw (sociological, statistical) method of studying folk dialects, which assumes that the researcher is to show the whole, however diversified it may be, language reality of a single dialect user, the speech of the entire village or the dialect, instead of – as is the case in the opposite method – seeking the most archaic dialectal forms. As regards Polish linguistics, this method set out a new direction for the sociolinguistic research carried out later. The dissertation was supplemented with Słownik gwary Domaniewka w powiecie łęczyckim (Dictionary of Domaniewek dialect in Łęczyca Powiat) (Wrocław 1962–1973, Parts 1–8), which included approx. 29 thousand words and collocations, and presented one of the greatest collections of lexical resources of a single village. It was also a novelty in Polish dialectal lexicography in terms of the applied methodology and resources, as it presented the whole internal diversity of dialectal lexis, the lexicographical description covered all aspects of the analysis, like in general dictionaries, and – due to a thorough exploration on site – the lexical material showed the crucial moment when changes in Polish folk dialects became more dynamic.

Dialectological issues were present in all Prof. M. Szymczak’s works. Particular significance is attributed to his paper entitled “Nowe mieszane dialekty słowiańskie” (“New mixed Slavic dialects”) (1973), where the author raised the then topical issue of language integration and presented – in comparative terms – the results of research on four mixed dialects: Polish borderland ones (brought by repatriates onto the so-called Recovered Territories), Czech ones from the area neighbouring with Germany, north-western Bulgarian ones, and Russian ones from the former East Prussia. A publication entitled “A Theoretical Appraisal of the Criteria for Dividing Polish into Dialects” (1977), as well as Szymczak’s last paper: “Przyrostek -lek w gwarach polskich” (“The ‘-lek’ suffix in Polish dialects”) (1986), published after his death, should also be noted at this point.

As regards Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak’s publications dedicated to the history of the Polish language, his habilitation dissertation entitled: Nazwy stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego w historii i dialektach języka polskiego (Names of degrees of consanguinity and family affinity in the history and dialects of the Polish language) (1966) was his most important study. By applying the lexical field method, which was innovative at that time, to research on historical lexicology, Szymczak discussed 530 names generating this field, with relations between them and their evolution from the 16th c. to the 20th c. taken into account. His lecture entitled “De l’analogie sémantique et morphonologique dans la terminologie familiale chez les Slaves” (1968), delivered at the 6th International Congress of Slavists held in in Prague, and papers: “Wpływy wschodniosłowiańskie w polskim słownictwie z zakresu stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego” (“Eastern Slavic influences in Polish vocabulary related to degrees of consanguinity and family affinity”) (1968), “Zapożyczenia niemieckie w polskim słownictwie z zakresu stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego” (“German borrowings in Polish vocabulary related to degrees of consanguinity and family affinity”) (1969), also deserve mentioning.

Szymczak’s interest in other research areas is manifested in the following publications: “Udział Mazowsza w kształtowaniu polskiego języka literackiego” (“The Masovia region’s contribution to the development of literary Polish”) (1972), “Adam Mickiewicz’ Schaffen und die Entwicklung der polnischen Literatursprache” (1975), “Die Beziehungen J. Baudouin de Courtenay zur deutschen Slawistik” (1976), “Język polski w sześćdziesięcioleciu naszej niepodległości (1918–1978)” (“The Polish language over the sixty years of our independence (1918–1978)”) (1979), “Rozwój pisma i kultury językowej w Polsce XVI w.” (“The development of writing and language culture in Poland in the 16th century”) (1980),“Problem ewolucji języka polskiego” (“Evolution of the Polish language”) (1981), “Роль литературного языка в формировании славянских народов” (1985).

Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak was also the author of significant papers on the history of Polish linguistics and biographies of the following Polish linguists: Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska (1969), Zenon Klemensiewicz (1970), Witold Doroszewski (1976), Nikołaj S. Trubiecki (1978), Jan Baudouinde Courtenay (1978), Mieczysław Karaś (1978), Jerzy Kuryłowicz (1978), Jan Karłowicz (1979), Halina Koneczna (1983), Irena Styczek (1984), Przemysław Zwoliński (1985). Szymczak dealt with those issues also as the editor – cf. J. Baudouin de Courtenay, Dzieła wybrane (Selected works), Vol. V, VI (1983 – as a member of the editorial committee), J. Baudouin de Courtenay, O języku polskim (On the Polish language) (1984 – as a co-editor), Jan Niecisław Baudouin de Courtenay a lingwistyka światowa (Jan Niecisław Baudouin de Courtenay and the world’s linguistics) (1989 – as a scientific co-editor).

It should also be mentioned that, apart from the publications listed above, lexical and word formation issues handled by Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak in his works covered also vocabulary from various lexical fields, word formation motivation, general Slavic development processes, terminology, and proper names. The following publications can serve as exampleshere: “Central Problems in the Morphology of the Slavic Languages” [1971], “Nazwy województw i ich mieszkańców (na podstawie podziału administracyjnego wprowadzonego w Polsce w dniu 1 VI 1975 r.)” (“Names of voivodships and their inhabitants (based on the administrative division introduced in Poland on 1 June 1975)”) (1976), “O nowym typie prefiksacji rzeczowników i przymiotników w językach słowiańskich” (“On the new type of prefixation of nouns and adjectives in Slavic languages”) (1978), “Rola i miejsce terminologii w języku ogólnonarodowym” (“The role and position of terminology in the national language”) (1978), “O pojęciu systemu leksykalnego” (“On the concept of a lexical system”) (1979), “Derivates Formed from Proper Nouns” (1982), “Nowe tendencje w rozwoju czasowników częstotliwych w językach zachodniosłowiańskich” (“New trends in the development of iterative verbs in western Slavic languages”) (1983), “Pierwiastki konkretne i abstrakcyjne w treściach znaczeniowych czasownika” (“Concrete and abstract elements in semantic contents of a verb”) (1985).

Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak’s interest in the standard Polish language was reflected in two important prescriptive lexicographical studies, in which he was involved both as the scientific editor and author. Słownik ortograficzny języka polskiego wraz z zasadami pisowni i interpunkcji (Dictionary of Polish orthography, including spelling and punctuation principles), comprising over 100 thousand entries covering both general and specialist vocabulary, the most recent borrowings, a great number of proper names (personal and geographical ones), acronyms and abbreviations, as well as the most characteristic regionalisms, was published in 1975. It was the first dictionary in which its scientific editor recommended Polonised spelling of a number of lexical borrowings, recognising them as fully-fledged units of the Polish lexical system, which launched codification functionalism in this respect, and at the same time he developed the principles of linguistic interpretation of spelling rules.

Szymczak was the scientific editor also of the three-volume Słownik języka polskiego (Dictionary of the Polish language) published in 1978, 1979 and 1981. By 2000, a few dozen of re-editions and reprints of the dictionary were released. The publication was intended for a wide audience and contained approx. 70 thousand entries (including ca. 30 thousand new meanings and entry forms which had not been recorded until then). As regards the adopted methodology, the dictionary continued the traditions of the Warsaw practical lexicography school, established by Prof. Witold Doroszewski and his collaborators. Słownik... included vocabulary mainly from the 2nd half of the 20th century, being part of general and specialist lexis and selected in accordance with the functionality criterion.

Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak was the author of more than 90 papers in the area of language culture, published mainly in Poradnik Językowy (The Linguistic Guide) in the “What is being written about language” (“Co piszą o języku”) (in the period 1967–1971) and “Explanations of words and expressions” (“Objaśnienia wyrazów i zwrotów”) (in the period 1977–1985) sections, as well as separate papers and studies, cf. e.g. “Zasady poprawnej wymowy scenicznej” (“Rules for proper pronunciation by stage performers”) (1960), “Uwagi o nazwie Krakus” (“Comments on the name ‘Krakus’”) (1968), “Aktualne zagadnienia kultury języka polskiego” (“Topical issues in the area of the Polish language culture”) (1978), “O piękno i kulturę nazw handlowych” (“For the sake of the beauty and culture of trade names”) (1982). In his regularly published linguistic explanations, guidelines and comments aimed at disseminating the knowledge of language, Szymczak represented the pragmatic and functional approach, while taking into account – in a balanced way – the national criterion. His texts are a faithful record of the problems related to the Polish language culture in the 1960s–1980s. It should be also added that Szymczak was the initiator and scientific editor of several collective books in this area, cf. i.a. Wybór tekstów z zakresu kultury i poprawności języka polskiego (Selection of texts on culture and proper use of the Polish language) (1976), Z zagadnień poprawności językowej i terminologicznej prasy technicznej (On proper language and terminology used in press publications dedicated to technology) (1976), Kultura języka polskiego. Podręcznik dla słuchaczy uczelni wojskowych (The Polish language culture. A guide for students of military schools) (1978).

The last of the identified areas handled by Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak in his publications (language contacts and glottodidactics) accounted for a marginal part of his scientific interests. Publications in this respect included Materiały do lektoratu języka polskiego. Skrypt dla cudzoziemców (Material to be used at courses of Polish. A script for foreigners) (1958, 1961, 1963), and the following papers: “The Linguistic Problems in the Work of the Translator” (1970) and “O interferencji językowej w zakresie formantów słowotwórczych (na przykładzie języka polskiego)” (“On language interference with respect to word formatives (on the example of Polish)”) (1976).

Besides those in Polish, Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak wrote texts also in English, German and Russian, which were published in a dozen or so European and North American countries.

II. Work as a teacher, organiser and populariser

From 1956, Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak worked at the University of Warsaw as a researcher and lecturer. Apart from performing his regular duties as a lecturer (classes, tutorials, lectures, seminars), Mieczysław Szymczak trained the research and teaching staff, and his merits in this respect also need to be recognised. He was a supervisor of several dozen Master’s theses, and was a reviewer in 28 doctoral procedures, 15 habilitation procedures and 20 procedures for award of the title of professor. He supervised 11 doctoral students who earned their Doctor’s degree in Polish linguistics: Irena Halicka (1973), Tadeusz Malec (1973), Elżbieta Wójcikowska (1975), Teresa Sokołowska (1975), Danuta Stadnik (1978), Magdalena Foland (1978), Stanisław Dubisz (1979), Janina Gardzińska (1980), Janusz Wróblewski (1980), Alicja Stypka (1980), and Barbara Janowska-Wierzchoń (1985).

The scope of his responsibilities was determined also by the functions he fulfilled, among others, at the University, and the initiatives he undertook. In 1971–1975, he was the Deputy Director at the Institute of Polish Studies, the University of Warsaw, and – at the same time – the Head of the Team for Polish Dialectology at the Polish Language Department in the said Institute (1973–1975). In 1972, Prof. M. Szymczak initiated the establishment of the Telephone Linguistic Guidance (Telefoniczna Poradnia Językowa) at the University of Warsaw, also under the auspices of the Society for Language Culture (Towarzystwo Kultury Języka). From 1973, he worked also at the Institute of the Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk), where he headed the Department of Linguistics in Warsaw. He was the Secretary General of the 7th International Congress of Slavists, held at the University of Warsaw on 21–27 August 1973.

In 1975–1981, Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak was the Director of the Institute of the Polish Language, the University of Warsaw, and the Head of the Department of the History of the Polish Language and Dialectology in the said Institute (1975–1982, 1983–1985). In 1975, he joined the Editorial Committee of Polonica, a journal published by the Institute of the Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences. After Prof. Witold Doroszewski’s death, Szymczak was appointed, in 1976, a member and the deputy chair of the International Committee for Atlas językowy Europy (Linguistic atlas of Europe). He also took on running the Radio Linguistic Guide (Radiowy Poradnik Językowy) (series: “Radio linguistic guide” (“Radiowy poradnik językowy”); “Out of concern for the word and content” (“W trosce o słowo i treść”); “For the sake of the word culture” (“O kulturę słowa”); and “Talking about language” (“Rozmawiamy o języku”)). In 1977, he was appointed the editor-in-chief of Poradnik Językowy. At that time, he also initiated “The Week of Language Culture on the Polish Radio” (“Tydzień Kultury Języka w Polskim Radiu”) and “A day with no errors” (“Dzień bez błędów”), aimed at Polish press and promoted by the Życie Warszawy (The Life of Warsaw) daily.

From 1978, he was the chair of the Committee for Linguistics at the Polish Academy of Sciences, from 1979 – the editor-in-chief of Prace Filologiczne (Philology Papers), while in 1980, he joined the Editorial Committee of Zeitschrift für Phonetik Sprachwissenschaft und Komunikationsforschung. In 1984, he was one of the organisers of the 1st Congress of the Polish Language, held in Szczecin.

Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak was a member of a number of academic societies and organisations. He was a member of the International Congress of Slavists, deputy chair of the UNESCO’s International Association for the Study and Dissemination of Slav Culture, a member of Societas Jablonoviana in Leipzig, the Polish Linguistic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze) (from 1956), the Society for Language Culture (from 1966, President of the Board from 1976), the Polish Semiotic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Semiotyczne) (from 1979), the Warsaw Scientific Society (Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie), the Białystok Scientific Society (Białostockie Towarzystwo Naukowe), the Łódź Scientific Society (Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe), and the Opole Society of Friends to Sciences (Opolskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk).

From 1976, Szymczak shared his expert knowledge on a broad scale as the chair of: the Commission for Language Culture in the Committee for Linguistics at the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Commission for Determination of Names of Localities and Physiographic Objects (Komisja Ustalania Nazw Miejscowości i Obiektów Fizjograficznych) to the Minister of Administration, Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection (Minister Administracji, Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Ochrony Środowiska), the Commission for School Curricula of the Polish Language (Komisja Programów Szkolnych z zakresu Języka Polskiego) to the Minister of Education and Upbringing (Minister Oświaty i Wychowania), the Team for Research and Teaching of Polish Studies and Related Sciences (Zespół Dydaktyczno-Naukowy Filologii Polskiej i Nauk Pokrewnych) to the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Technology (Minister Nauki, Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Techniki), the Commission for Standardisation of World Geographical Names (Komisji Standaryzacji Nazw Geograficznych Świata) to the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Technology, the Central Qualification Commission for Academic Personnel (Centralna Komisja Kwalifikacyjna ds. Kadr Naukowych) to the Prime Minister, and, from 1985, of the Editorial Committee of Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej (Studies on Polish and Slavic Philology).

Owing to his position, authority and functions, Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak was the main organiser of the academic life in Poland in the area of linguistics in 1976–1985.

III. Author and editor-in-chief of Poradnik Językowy

As an author, Mieczysław Szymczak collaborated with Poradnik Językowy from 1953, as its deputy editor-in-chief – from 1971, and as its editor-in-chief – from 1977. The bibliography of his works published in Poradnik Językowy includes more than 150 items. These were, by their types: 1) academic papers – 12; 2) essays, advice and linguistic comments – 86; 3) biograms – 9; 4) reviews – 13; 5) reports and speeches – 22; 6) overviews of linguistic works, bibliographies – 9.

Through an analysis of these publications we get a picture of Prof. Mieczysław Szymczak as a keen observer of the development of the Polish language and Polish (and Slavic) linguistics in its numerous manifestations, and as a researcher who, as a commentator of the changes occurring in Polish, finally became one of the key figures in charge of the Polish language policy. As editor-in-chief of Poradnik Językowy, Prof. M. Szymczak cared about the rank of the journal by ensuring the right proportions between strictly scientific content and papers being overviews and promoting the knowledge of the Polish language.

The complete bibliography of M. Szymczak’s works has been published by S. Dubisz:

  • “Bibliografia prac profesora doktora Mieczysława Szymczaka opublikowanych w Poradniku Językowym”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 1, pp. 9–14.
  • “Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Mieczysław Szymczak’s works (1951–1985)”, [in:] M. Basaj, H. Borek, D. Buttler... (eds), Wokół języka. Rozprawy i studia poświęcone pamięci profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka, Zakład Narodowy im.Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1988, pp. 13–31.
  • “Bibliografia prac naukowych prof. dra Mieczysława Szymczaka (1951–1985)”, Prace Filologiczne 36, 1991, pp. 11–23.

IV. Publications by Mieczysław Szymczak (a selection – in a chronological order)

  • “Z dziejów wyrazu ‘chrobry’”, Prace Polonistyczne IX, 1951, pp. 1–6.
  • “Tekst gwarowy ze wsi Domaniewek, powiat Łęczyca”, Język Polski 32, 1952, Issue 2, pp. 84–86.
  • [with J. Kozak] “Obrzędy weselne we wsi Czechy, pow. Sieradz”, Prace Polonistyczne XI, 1953, pp. 35–68.
  • Materiały do lektoratu języka polskiego. Skrypt dla cudzoziemców, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ed. I, Warszawa 1958, ed. II 1961, ed. III enlarged 1963.
  • [with E. Jurkowski and I. Łapiński], “Słownictwo Warmii i Mazur. Stopnie pokrewieństwa. Życie społeczne i zawody”, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1959 (Vol. 5: Studia Warmińsko-Mazurskie).
  • “Zasady poprawnej wymowy scenicznej.” 1) “Uwagi wstępne, wymowa a ortografia, normy poprawnej wymowy, samogłoski ścieśnione, samogłoski nosowe”, Teatr Ludowy 1960, Issue 7–8, pp. 390–393; 2) “Wymowa grup głoskowych am, an, om, em, en w wyrazach obcego pochodzenia, samogłoski i, y”, Issue 9, pp. 491–494; 3) “Samogłoski e, a, o, u; wpływ rymu i rytmu na wymowę”, Issue 10, pp. 550–553; 4) “Akcent w języku polskim”, Issue 11, pp. 618–621; 5) “Wymowa spółgłosek wargowych, przedniojęzykowo–zębowych i tylnojęzykowych”, Issue 12, pp. 625–628.
  • Gwara Domaniewka i wsi okolicznych w powiecie łęczyckim, Łódź 1961 (30 x-ray images).
  • “Uwagi słowotwórczo-semantyczne o polskim współczesnym słownictwie technicznym”, Poradnik Językowy 1961, Issue 6, pp. 269–278.
  • Słownik gwary Domaniewka w powiecie łęczyckim, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Part I (A–E), Wrocław 1962; Part II (F–J) – III (K–Ł), 1964; Part IV (M–Ń), 1965; Part V (O–Pś), 1967; Part VI (Pś–S), 1969; Part VII (Ś–W), 1970; Part VIII (Z–Ż), 1973.
  • [with W. Pomianowska] “Z prac nad Słownikiem gwar Warmii i Mazur”, Poradnik Językowy 1962, Issue 9/10, pp. 387–399.
  • “Czasowniki typu ‘dopodosypovyvać’ w gwarze Domaniewka”, Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej V, 1965, pp. 427–433.
  • Nazwy stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego w historii i dialektach języka polskiego, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1966.
  • “De l’analogie sémantique et morphonologique dans la terminologie familiale chez les Slaves”, [in:] VI Mezinárodni Sjezd Slavistú v Praze 1968, Academia, Praha 1968, pp. 480–481.
  • “Uwagi o nazwie Krakus”, Poradnik Językowy 1968, Issue 1, pp. 26–31.
  • “Wpływy wschodniosłowiańskie w polskim słownictwie z zakresu stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego”, Slavia Orientalis 1968, Issue 3 (Księga ku czci Prof. Dr A. Obrębskiej-Jabłońskiej), pp. 421–426.
  • “Zapożyczenia niemieckie w polskim słownictwie z zakresu stopni pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa rodzinnego”, [in:] Slawisch-Deutsche Wechselbeziehungen in Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1969, pp. 237–243.
  • “The Linguistic Problems in the Work of the Translator”, [in:] Proceedings of the Pacific North-West Conference on Foreign Languages, University of Victoria, Victoria 1970, pp. 210–215.
  • “Central Problems in the Morphology of the Slavic Languages”, Canadian Papers 1971, pp. 295–302.
  • “Udział Mazowsza w kształtowaniu polskiego języka literackiego”, [in:] Z polskich studiów slawistycznych. Językoznawstwo. Prace na VII Międzynarodowy Kongres Slawistów w Warszawie 1973, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1972, pp. 333–338.
  • “Uwagi o akcencie w języku polskim”, Prace Filologiczne 23, 1972, pp. 43–50.
  • “Nowe mieszane dialekty słowiańskie”, Poradnik Językowy 1973, Issue 5/6, pp. 271–277.
  • “Adam Mickiewicz’ Schaffen und die Entwicklung der polnischen Literatursprache”, Zeitschrift für Slawistik 20, 1975, pp. 58–62.
  • (scientific and spelling and punctuation ed.), Słownik ortograficzny języka polskiego wraz z zasadami pisowni i interpunkcji, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, ed. I, Warszawa 1975.
  • (scientific ed. and introduction), Wybór tekstów z zakresu poprawności i kultury języka polskiego, J. Basara, P. Rozmysłowicz, K. Żelazko (compilation), Wojskowa Akademia Polityczna, Warszawa 1975.
  • “Die Beziehungen J. Baudouin de Courtenay zur deutschen Slawistik”, Zeitschrift für Slawistik 21, 1976, pp. 665–668.
  • “Nazwy województw i ich mieszkańców (na podstawie podziału administracyjnego wprowadzonego w Polsce w dniu 1 VI 1975 r.)”, Polonica II, 1976, pp. 239–246.
  • “O interferencji językowej w zakresie formantów słowotwórczych (na przykładzie języka polskiego)”, Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego 34, 1976, pp. 17–23.
  • (scientific ed. and introduction), Z zagadnień poprawności językowej i terminologicznej prasy technicznej, collective work, Wydawnictwa Czasopism Technicznych Naczelnej Organizacji Technicznej, Warszawa 1976.
  • “A Theoretical Appraisal of the Criteria for Dividing Polish into Dialects”, [in:] Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, Franz Steiner Verlag GNBH, Wiesbaden 1977, pp. 307–317.
  • “Aktualne zagadnienia kultury języka polskiego”, Poradnik Językowy 1978, Issue 7–8, pp. 301–303.
  • “N. S. Trubiecki a językoznawstwo polskie”, [in:] Księga referatów wygłoszonych. Wiedeń 1978, pp. 1–9.
  • “O nowym typie prefiksacji rzeczowników i przymiotników w językach słowiańskich”, [in:] Z polskich studiów slawistycznych. Językoznawstwo. Prace na VIII Międzynarodowy Kongres Slawistów w Zagrzebiu 1978, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1978, pp. 199–205.
  • “Rola i miejsce terminologii w języku ogólnonarodowym”, Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 14, 1978, XIV, Issue 4, pp. 513–521.
  • (ed.), Słownik języka polskiego, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Vol. I (A–K), Warszawa 1978; Vol. II (L–P), 1979; Vol. III (R–Ż), 1981.
  • (scientific ed.), Kultura języka polskiego. Podręcznik dla słuchaczy uczelni wojskowych, individual chapters were written by J. Bralczyk et al., Wojskowa Akademia Polityczna, Warszawa 1978.
  • “Język polski w sześćdziesięcioleciu naszej niepodległości (1918–1978)”, Poradnik Językowy 1979, Issue 3, pp. 101–115.
  • “Rozwój pisma i kultury językowej w Polsce XVI w.”, [in:] Fragen der polnischen Kultur im 20. Jahrhundert, W. Schmitz, Giessen 1980, pp. 58–67.
  • “Problem ewolucji języka polskiego”, [in:] Spotkanie Nauczycieli Polonijnych '80. Materiały z seminarium, Warszawa, 9–10 sierpnia 1980 r., Polonijne Centrum Kulturalno-Oświatowe Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 1981, pp. 31–39.
  • “O piękno i kulturę nazw handlowych”, Prace Filologiczne 31, 1982, pp. 143–145.
  • “Derivates Formed from Proper Nouns”, [in:] K. Rymut (ed.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Cracow August 21–25, 1978, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1982, pp. 519–525.
  • “Nowe tendencje w rozwoju czasowników częstotliwych w językach zachodniosłowiańskich”, [in:] Z polskich studiów slawistycznych. Językoznawstwo. Prace na IX Międzynarodowy Kongres Slawistów w Kijowie 1983, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1983, pp. 417–424.
  • [scientific co-ed. with J. Basara] J. Baudouin de Courtenay, O języku polskim, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1984.
  • “Pierwiastki konkretne i abstrakcyjne w treściach znaczeniowych czasownika”, [in:] A. Bartoszewicz, A. Szirokow (eds), Исследования по глаголу в славянских языках, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1985, pp. 9–12.
  • “Роль литературного языка в формировании славянских народов”, [in:] Славянские культуры и мировой культурный процесс. Материалы международной научной конференции ЮНЕСКО, Наука и техника, Минск 1985, pp. 117–126.
  • “Przyrostek ‘-lek’ w gwarach polskich”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 8, pp. 522–524.
  • [scientific co-ed. with J. Rieger, S. Urbańczyk] Jan Niecisław Baudouin de Courtenay a lingwistyka światowa. Materiały z konferencji międzynarodowej, Warszawa 4–7 IX 1979, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1989.


  • J. Basara, “Profesor doktor Mieczysław Szymczak (5 X 1927–30 IX 1985)”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 1, pp. 1–3.
  • D. Buttler, “Zagadnienia kultury języka w działalności językowej i popularyzatorskiej Profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 8, pp. 525–529.
  • K. Długosz-Kurczabowa, “Historia języka i dialektologia w dorobku naukowym Profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka”, Prace Filologiczne 36, 1991, pp. 25–30.
  • K. Długosz-Kurczabowa, S. Dubisz, “Szacunek dla słowa – prace językoznawcze profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka”, [in:] W. Decyk-Zięba, J. Porayski-Pomsta (eds), Towarzystwo Kultury Języka i jego prezesi, Dom Wydawniczy “Elipsa”, Warszawa 2004, pp. 47–66.
  • S. Dubisz, “Prace leksykograficzne Profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka”, [in:] M. Grochowski, Z. Zaron (eds), Znaki pamięci. Spuścizna językoznawców polskich drugiej połowy XX wieku, Warszawska Drukarnia Naukowa, Warszawa 2014, pp. 119–130.
  • S. Dubisz, “Profesor Mieczysław Szymczak – nauczyciel i opiekun naukowy”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 8, pp. 536–540; Prace Filologiczne 36, 1991, pp. 37–41.
  • S. Dubisz, “Propozycje leksykograficzne profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka (w 40-lecie edycji Słownika gwary Domaniewka...)”, Poradnik Językowy 2014, Issue 1, pp. 113–121.
  • S. Dubisz, “Wspomnienie o Profesorze Mieczysławie Szymczaku”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 1, pp. 4–9.
  • E. Homa, “Problemy integracji językowej na Ziemiach Zachodnich i Północnych w działalności naukowej Profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka”, Prace Filologiczne 36, 1991, pp. 43–45.
  • W. Kupiszewski, “Profesor doktor Mieczysław Szymczak (5 X 1927–30 IX 1985)”, Prace Filologiczne 36, 1991, pp. 5–10.
  • E. Markowska, “Sesja poświęcona pamięci Profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 8, pp. 541–543.
  • A. Markowski, “Prace profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka z zakresu leksykologii i leksykografii”, Poradnik Językowy 1986, Issue 8, pp. 530–535.
  • F. Pluta, “Profesor doktor habilitowany Mieczysław Szymczak (5 X 1927–30 IX 1985)”, [in:] M. Basaj, H. Borek, D. Buttler... (eds), Wokół języka. Rozprawy i studia poświęcone pamięci Profesora Mieczysława Szymczaka, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1988, pp. 5–12.
  • J. Siatkowski, “Profesor Mieczysław Szymczak jako slawista”, Prace Filologiczne 36, 1991, pp. 31–35.
  • S. Urbańczyk, “Szymczak Mieczysław”, [in:] S. Urbańczyk, M. Kucała (eds), Encyklopedia języka polskiego, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1999, pp. 393.

Author: Stanisław Dubisz

Translation: Monika Czarnecka