II. Annals, series, issues

II. Annals, series, issues

The years when Poradnik was not published

1913 – 1918 (Poradnik językowy was a section of Język Polski (The Polish Language) 1913, 1914; and Język Polski i Poradnik Językowy (The Polish Language and the Language Guide), 1916)



1939 (from September) – 1947 (until October)


1901 – 1912: I – XII

1919 – 1923: XVI – XX (annals XIII – XV Język Polski 1913, 1914, 1916)

1925 – 1927: XXI – XXIII

1929 – 1931: XXIV – XXVI

1932–1939: year = annal

1948 – 2015: year = annal

Series designation:

1901 – 1916: Series A (from 1913 to 1916, along with the first annals of Język Polski 1913, 1914, 1916)

1919 – 1923: Series B

1925: Series C

1926: Series D

from 1927 discontinuation of series designation

Issue numbers:

1950 – 2015: 85 (counting from the 1st issue of the year 1932 ) – 729